Natasha Bertrand Bio, Age, Family, Boyfriend, Politico, MSNBC, Net worth

Natasha Bertrand Biography

Natasha Bertrand is an American journalist serving as a national security correspondent for Politico and an NBC News and MSNBC political analyst.

Natasha Bertrand Age

She was born on May 12, 1992 in the United States.

Natasha Bertrand Height

She stands at a height of 5 feet 5 inches tall.

Natasha Bertrand Nationality

Natasha is an American national.

Natasha Bertrand Education

Natasha has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and Philosophy from Vassar College. She later joined The London School of Economics and Political Science where she majored in Government Philosophy.

Natasha Bertrand Family

There is no public information available regarding Natasha’s family or her ancestry.

Natasha Bertrand Fiance

Natasha is not engaged but is in a relationship with Bryan Coxwell who is a contractor and an engineer who formerly worked in the US Army. There are no details of how long the two have been together but they met during their work.

Natasha Bertrand Politico

Natasha Bertrand is POLITICO’s national security correspondent. Previously, she was a staff writer for The Atlantic covering national security and politics. She worked as a politics reporter for Business Insider

Natasha Bertrand Atlantic

Bertrand joined Atlantic in 2018 as a staff writer and was later named a political analyst for NBC News and MSNBC. She began her career in the media as an intern at Business Insider before being appointed as a political correspondent mainly covering US foreign policy and national security.

Natasha Bertrand CNN

In 2017 Natasha appeared in a panel discussion on a now-refuted CNN report where she noted that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was wiretapped and linked him to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) application filed against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, who she alleged was working as a “liaison” with Manafort, saying “these pieces are all starting to come together and it’s really alarming.”

Washington Post media critic Erik Wemple wrote; “Not so alarming, as it turned out. For one, CNN was wrong about the Manafort wiretapping story, as made clear in the report from Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz. The network added a weaselly editor’s note to the Manafort story as a means of wishing away the bad news. For another, the Horowitz report made clear that the FBI made numerous omissions and errors in the FISA process and still secured authorizations.”

Natasha Bertrand Political Affiliation

Bertrand has not revealed her political affiliation.

Natasha Bertrand Salary

Her actual annual salary is unknown.

Natasha Bertrand Net worth

Natasha’s net worth is under review.

Natasha Bertrand Sued

In November 2019 Kash Patel, a senior counterterrorism director on the White House National Security Council, sued politico and Natasha Bertrand for the stories they published about him. He claimed the outlet accused him of “lying, deceit and unethical conduct” and fueling President Donald Trump’s belief in Ukraine theories.

The suit was about the articles Natasha wrote; in the first article she stated that Patel was “among those passing negative information about Ukraine to President Donald Trump earlier this year, fueling the president’s belief that Ukraine was brimming with corruption and interfered in the 2016 election on behalf of Democrats.” The second article Patel objects to reported he “misrepresented himself” in order to claim that he, not Alexander Vindman, was the NSC’s top Ukraine expert.

Natasha based her stories on sources who informed her of the closed-door depositions Vindman and Fiona Hill, the former senior director for European and Russian Affairs, provided to Congress.

In a statement, politico spokesman Brad Dayspring said; “This lawsuit is high on bombast and low on merit. It is unserious and is a public relations tactic designed to intimidate journalists and media organizations from doing their job.”

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