George Floyd Bio, Age, Family, Minneapolis, Derek Chauvin, Murder, Cause of Death

George Floyd Biography

George Floyd is an African American from Minneapolis who was allegedly suffocated to death by a white police officer identified as Derek Chauvin as he tried to arrest him under the auspices of “forgery”.

George Floyd Age

He was 46 years old at the time of his death.

George Floyd Family

He was born in North Carolina and moved to Houston’s Third Ward as a baby. There is no available information about his parents or siblings.

George Floyd Wife

He was not married but he had a baby mama known as Roxie Washington. After his death she said, “I don’t even have words for it. It’s cruel. They took him away from my daughter. She’ll never see her father again.  He was a gentle giant. People mistake him because he was so big that they thought he was always a fighting person but he was a loving person…. and he loved his daughter.”

George Floyd Daughter

Floyd is survived by two daughters;  a 6-year-old daughter known as Gianna Floyd and the other daughter’s name is unknown.

George Floyd Basketball

Floyd was a talented athlete who played football and basketball in high school and college. He attended Yates High School and later received a basketball scholarship to Florida State University, Washington. He however didn’t finish school and moved back to Houston. He began making music with the Screwed Up Click, a hip-hop group led by legendary Houston musician DJ Screw.

In 2018 he left Houston for Minneapolis after he struggled to find work. There he worked as a truck driver and most recently as a bouncer.

George Floyd Minneapolis Police – George Floyd Derek Chauvin

On May 26 a video circulated on social media where a man later identifies as George Floyd, can be heard to shout “I cannot breathe” and “Don’t kill me!” He then grows motionless, eyes closed, face-first on the road. The incident happened late on Monday when officers responded to a call from a grocery store that claimed Floyd had used a forged check. When located in his car, police said, he “physically resisted officers” while possibly under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

In the video footage, witnesses can be heard shouting at officers to get off Floyd’s neck. One yells: “Bro, he’s not even fucking moving!” Another asks if “you’re going to just sit there with your knee on his neck?”

On May 26, the Minneapolis police department in a press conference confirmed he “died a short time” after a “medical incident”, after being transported to the hospital.

The case was swiftly referred to the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension before it was announced Tuesday morning that the FBI would also be joining the investigation.

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey in the same press conference said Floyd’s death is and called it “wrong on every level.” He said Floyd’s life “mattered.”

Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar said the incidence calls for immediate action. She added that there must be “a complete and thorough outside investigation into what occurred, and those involved in this incident must be held accountable. Justice must be served for this man and his family, justice must be served for our community, and justice must be served for our country.”

Why was George Floyd Arrested

George was arrested due to forgery. According to Minneapolis police, officers were called to the 3700 block of Chicago Avenue South on a report of a man attempting to use forged documents at Cup Foods.

George Floyd Murder

Darnella Frazier, a witness said in a Facebook video that she stopped to record the incident as she was on her way to meet friends. She captioned the video, “They really killed than man bro ?”

George Floyd Cause of Death

According to an independent autopsy he died of “asphyxiation from sustained pressure” when his neck and back were compressed by Minneapolis police officers during his arrest.

This report contradicts the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s report which says the cause of death is “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression.”

On Friday a criminal complaint released by the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office said they found “no physical findings” to “support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation.”

George Floyd Benjamin Crump

On Tuesday morning civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump tweeted Floyd’s name.

He had previously asked people on social media if any one knew ” this man or his family in Minnesota, DM me! He deserves JUSTICE!” He added that forgery is not a crime punishable by death.

“Forgery is NOT a crime punishable by death. This is not only #POLICEBRUTALITY, it is MURDER! First Eric Garner, now this. We must put an end to the senseless killing of our Black men! #BlackLivesMatter”

He later announced that he was representing Floyd’s family and called the deadly police response “abusive, excessive and inhumane.”

He is also an attorney in two other high-profile cases involving white people killing unarmed Black people. He represents the families of Ahmaud Arbery — the man who was jogging when a father-son team of vigilantes hunted him down and shot him in broad daylight in the middle of a road in Georgia — and Breonna Taylor — the EMT in Lousiville who was sleeping in her own home when police shot eight times while trying to serve a no-knock warrant at the wrong home looking for a suspect who was already in custody.

George Floyd Cops

The officer who was seen kneeling on George Floyd’s neck as Floyd pleaded for help was identified as Derek Chauvin and the other who stood bt and watched was identified as Tou Thao. The officer together with two others have been terminated from their job.

George Floyd Stephen Jackson

Stephen is a former NBA player and current ESPN basketball commentator. After the death of Floyd he took to social media to remember Floyd who he refers to his ‘twin.’